Health Screenings
Preston County Senior Citizens, Inc. – Preston County, WV
Preston County Senior Citizens, Inc. offers a variety of health-related services that focus on providing preventive care and health maintenance services for older adults throughout Preston County, WV.
Health Screening Clinics
Our health screening clinics offer several types of routine testing beneficial to older adults. Testing varies month-to-month and by location, but may include blood pressure testing, quick overall health checks, foot clinics, blood sugar screening, cardiac risk screening, cholesterol screening, influenza and pneumonia vaccinations, and other screenings provided by a registered nurse. You can also get answers to your questions about specific medications and general health questions from our registered nurse during the clinic.
No Appointment Needed. No Charge.
As we age, the need for regular testing increases and this can place a burden on those with a fixed income. We invite you to take advantage of our convenient monthly health screening programs at your local senior center. The clinics are conducted during Senior Club Meetings. No appointment is necessary and there is no charge for this service.
Health Education Classes & Counseling
Health educational classes, presentations, and counseling sessions are held throughout the year for seniors and their families. Topics vary, but include subjects of interest to older adults and those who care for them, such as learning about the aging process, strategies for healthy living, safe medication use, mental health issues, risk factors and behaviors older adults should avoid, how to empower yourself and maximize your health, disease prevention and management, dealing with the challenges of aging, fall prevention, stress management and coping skills, and many other subjects. The topics are presented by a registered nurse in an engaging manner that is both educational and enjoyable.
Assessment Services and Referrals for the Homebound and Disabled
Disabled individuals and homebound seniors can receive a health assessment from a registered nurse in the comfort of home. There is no need to make a trip! Following assessment, referrals may be provided for a wide range of appropriate in-home or community-based services, as appropriate.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more about the services we provide, our friendly staff are ready to answer your questions. Please contact Preston County Senior Citizens, Inc. at: (304) 329-0464.
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